China has been put into the equipment can produce siliconaluminum alloy ingots that silicon content is 27-70%, ¦300mm × 1200mm.The alloy material of empty mascara tubes Suppliers the silicon content is 50%, compared with steel, theweight loss 2/3 or more, double the rate of the thermal conductivity, thermalexpansion coefficient is the same. The alloy materials have been used by an Instituteof Electronics, material expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity, strength,air tightness and density performance indicators have reached or exceeded theinternational level of similar products, and verify that the materialmachining, welding, surface treatment and other process performance, to meetthe needs of practical application.The history of preparing metal materialsusing injection molding technology is more than 30 years in the internationalarena, but for a long time this technology and products are blocked and controlled.
The researchers engaged in the study of the technology for nearly 20 years, hasmastered the injection molding technology to produce high-performance aluminum,aluminum-silicon alloy electronic packaging materials, the core technology ofthe three types of new materials for high-speed tool steel, and independentintellectual property rights .For a long time, because of its excellentconductive properties, copper and copper alloys have been to see the firstchoice for the manufacture of conductive materials, However, with the sharpreduction of the amount of global copper resources and increasingly exhausted,the trading price of copper is soaring. According to the metal powder exporter, thecurrent trading price of per ton of copper reached $ 7,000, resulting in such ahigh investment cost prices of copper wire and other products, making theworld's electricity workers clearly recognize that improving or looking for anew electricity transmission is importance and urgency of the line.China hasbeen carry out research in this area in 1980s, but are focused direction ofhigh-purity aluminum alloy, that the blind pursuit of lower aluminum alloycontent of impurity elements (Si, Fe, Ti, Cu, 45%), but because of the silicon contentin the alloy is too low, resulting in low alloy strength, abrasion resistanceis not high, still unable to meet the requirements of long distancetransmission. For exploration and study of the performance of high siliconaluminum conductive few research institutions for the study of high-siliconaluminum mostly focused on how to improve the silicon element solubility inaluminum matrix, how to improve the strength of the aluminum alloy, abrasionresistance, heat resistance etc.
It is based on the full use of bauxiteresources in the high silicon features, in the case of lower silicon content,by adding to the Al-Si-based alloys degenerate elements optimize the structureof in-depth study for the mechanism of high-silicon aluminum alloy conductive aswell as the use of advanced preparation process starting by adding rare earthelements (La, Ce, etc.), to make it generate compounds with silicon elements asmuch as possible, so as to change the grain morphology, particle size, andchange the crystal structure, reducing the aluminum atom lattice distortion,improve the conductivity of high silicon aluminum. So the experiment will castalloy Al-20Si-0.35RE gas atomization to get the ingredients uniformly high siliconaluminum alloy powder of rare earth, follow-up with high-energy ball milling,combined with the multi-pass pressing deformation process, preparation ofcerium compounds, lanthanum high silicon compounds as well as primary siliconcomposite strengthening high-performance aluminum alloy.
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